This reminds me of anytime someone tries to lose weight, exercise more, reduce bad habits like coffee/alcohol/cigarettes.
I have spent the majority of my life focused on self-care above anything else and it always comes back to lifestyle. This often means having a degree of privilege, but if you're clever, you can make it work. Most of all, it doesn't so much require commitment and discipline in the day-to-day and more of a commitment to FINDING the lifestyle that matches your desired outcome.
For me, I never would have guessed walking 15km+ a day hopping from cafe to cafe in the city while I put in little 1-4 hour sprints of work would be the thing I do that keeps me away from digital addiction and toward a healthier body. To be clear, I do work on my computer, but I am offline a lot of the time. Partially by choice, partially because some cafes don't have wifi or the wifi sucks too much or is too sketchy.
I also keep notifications heavily locked down. My friends/family sometimes get annoyed by how unreachable I can be, but they get more of the real me when they have me in-person. A lot more of it.