To recap the previous lesson, Mr Heng leveraged the Poll function on WhatsApp to ask Jerrick a question.
He was thrilled that Jerrick answered it correctly.
During the lesson, he first asked Jerrick to read the third grade words he had trouble with. It seemed that Jerrick needed more practice with eight and shall.
Then, Mr Heng moved on to the lesson proper. Jerrick read aloud the second grade words for him. He would need more practice with first, around, does, five, found, its, their, those, which, and would. It’s okay! Practice makes perfect.
Lastly, Mr Heng explored the word family of reply with Jerrick. He got him to spell these words:
  • replies (subject-verb agreement)
  • replied (past tense)
  • replying (continuous tense)
He realised something peculiar to him. A question came to his mind. Why is it that we must remove y before adding ies or ied but simply add ing directly to reply?
Mr Heng has no clue. Maybe you can help him!
@Coinsreporter will help Mr. Heng. He is a teacher.