The title is very click-baity, but did not want to change the original one.
KIM WOO-SeoK, a 31-year-old chef in Seoul, grew up questioning the way society treats women. He felt sorry for his stay-at-home mother. He considered himself a feminist. But over the past few years, his opinions have shifted. When he came across women activists online, he was shocked to see some of them were making demeaning comments about men, including making fun of small penises. “I felt like my masculinity was under attack,” says Mr Kim. He believes that, since the 2010s, Korean society has become more discriminatory against men than women. Although he has a girlfriend, many of those who share his beliefs in the region do not.
Men against women, left against right. The powers that be will do anything they can to get us fighting amongst ourselves because they know we are all natural allies that could threaten them.
The raison d'etre of that manufactured culture war, indeed.
So is Mr Kim anti-feminist now? Does he want his partner to stay at home, not pursue a career,…?
He wants her to hide her designer bags gifts, first and foremost~~
I think that most men are in principle feminists: we love our wives and daughters, want the best for them, successful and happy life, that they are well treated, paid a fair salary equal/better than male counterparts. One can continue. An easy step (for me at least) is to wish this to every single woman.
The rest is noise.