CC payments? how are you repaying it with bitcoin? any third party service?
In Canada there's Bitcoin Well & Bull Bitcoin that do it similar.
Go to bill payment, put in amount, pay in sats and they send dollars to your bill/CC
I don't do it all the time but it's a smooth process now compared to before (sell BTC, send Fiat to bank, pay bill)
51 sats \ 1 reply \ @AG OP 19 Aug
Wow... that's fantastic! Do you mind sharing the service name or site? or is an app?
Sorry I forgot to reply. A few exchanges in Canada have that feature (bill payment) - such as Bull Bitcoin & Bitcoin Well.
They may only work for Canada + US, but I'm not sure.
It's really smooth, you just add your payee like in any banking app: can be a credit card, electricity bill, etc. then you say how much you want to pay and get a BTC invoice. Pay it with BTC and they pay your bills for that amount in Fiat.
It's a nice alternative way to try living a bit more on a Bitcoin standard, but also a nice way to "sell BTC". Rather than selling for Fiat, withdrawing to bank, paying bill, you just so it in one step.