What's the most interesting ways you have seen lightning used?
I've Personally seen games and gambling oddly enough. but is there any cool projects that I'm unaware of that are using bitcoin lightning? Like earning or Payment processors? thanks for reading :)
LN is THE payment network for Bitcoin. This is an important aspect that very few users got it. Many people still think that LN is like another coin or something like that, but in fact is the simplest way to transact with sats.
Bitcoin (onchain) cannot be itself the payment network, is more like the final settlement, the vault and should be used mostly for opening / closing LN channels.
Lightning goats
You zap a thing, and some guy comes out and feeds goats, live on camera.
Saw it on an episode of "Why are we bullish"
Once you see it, your forever changed
Haha I think I saw that one. It's actually automated, but the guy came out that time because the thing got stuck
Have you seen the lightning cats? 😺 https://lightningcats.io/en/
And lightning goats? 🐐 https://lightning-goats.com/
And lightning trains? 🚂 https://satoshkey.com/