Yeah, I have both, but I'll be honest its quite challenging to really 'try' the graphene phone outside of special circumstances when I can fall back to the iphone for daily use. Perhaps its because I've used an iPhone for a decade, but its so much more intuitive to me. Also I like the consistency between apps and interfaces.
I also use google voice (voip numbers) for work/business/throwaway purposes and it feels less intrusive on an iphone than on android. Google accounts logged into graphene/android seem like "system level accounts" vs. on an iphone if that makes sense.
Ultimately, I like knowing the graphene phone exists and having one to play around with, but similar to you, I'm not sure I'll ever transition fully until I'm "forced to". Perhaps apple's implementation of AI features will be what pushes me over the edge to go all in on graphene. Their on device scanning is what scared me into buying a pixel and flashing graphene in the first place, but then they backed away from it...
Yeah this is what I fear. In the early days (Samsung galaxy 4 or 5 I’m talking ) Android was so buggy. My keyboard was randomly disappear and I would have to restart the keyboard app. But yeah I’m like you. Once apple goes a step too far then I’m done foreal!