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The actions by the group of countries known as BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are kind of like kids deciding they don’t want to play a game by the current rules anymore. Let's say the game is Monopoly, and the U.S. dollar is like the one that controls all the money in the game. Most countries play by this rule.
The BRICS countries have decided they want to use their own money. One thing that makes this a big deal is oil (like very expensive properties in Monopoly), which is usually sold in U.S. dollars. But what if Saudi Arabia, a large supplier of oil (like the player who has Park Place and Boardwalk), is thinking about accepting different money for oil.
The US and Europe could be impacted like a Monopoly game where the bank runs out of money. They might have to change their energy plan, which currently focuses on things like wind and solar power (like deciding they need to stick to cheaper properties instead), and could also face higher costs for energy (like rent increasing in the game).
In Europe it’s like they do not have enough properties generating rent, so if energy prices go up, it could really affect their game. The BRICS are becoming stronger players by controlling the price of energy (like choosing the rent on the properties they own).
In Africa, countries are trying to play their own game too, rather than using the French currency during the game (like refusing to trade properties with a person who always wins). They are starting to do more with BRICS countries who offer fair terms compared to others.
There is also talk about BRICS creating a new common money type that could be more trustworthy because it's tied to gold (it’s like saying, "we all agree that these tiny pebbles we all found in the playground have a certain value"). This could potentially make BRICS even stronger players in the game.
So, this is sort of like a big shift in a long game of Monopoly, moving towards a game where power is spread out more. However, it seems that the U.S. and Europe might not be recognizing how their Monopoly game could change. It's like they are not ready for the others changing the rules, and it’s a very important question how long they can keep playing without acknowledging this.
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