it's impossible for a redhead model with green eyes not to stand out among so many photos.
These photos were the result of a collaboration with the girl who is a model, she got free professional photos and I got studio-style photos for my portfolio, it was a win-win situation for both of us.
The truth is that once I had the set and the lighting scheme set up, she did the magic with her model face and her spectacular poses, she changed poses with each click of the camera and in all the photos she looked amazing!
It is a pleasure to work with someone so photogenic and with so much experience in front of the camera, the photo session flows very naturally and is very enjoyable.
After those photos I put a chair on the set to create variety and again, the girl took over the set!
At the end of the photoshoot both the girl and I were super happy with the results, I hope you like them as much as we do!
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