It's why they're trying to 'democratize' Venezuela so hard
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As venezuelan I can assure you that the people who most want real democracy in Venezuela are venezuelans. If oil is the price... we will pay the price.
off-topic, may I ask how you feel about access to Bitcoin in Venezuela in general? is there any significant adaptation, given the purchasing power problems?
Not venezuelan, but I remember I've read some years ago they were on "binance" standard. I'll post the source if could find it.
Perfect. Thank You
here an article I did myself some time ago.
let me know if you have additional questions.
They want Venezuela to use the USD?
no, the principle always works like this: a US-controlled or UK-controlled government is installed, then companies come into the country and negotiate commodity prices that would never be enforceable on the market, i.e. far below market price, and in this way the transfer of wealth begins.the usd follows in this process
Interesting. Will they fall for it?
There is no wealth to transfer with the actual government, so yes, we would like to "fall" for this.