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Similar to the usual Bitcoin news cycle that appears to be fixated on providing commentary on every Bitcoin price movement and the possible macro drivers, I have also observed a certain level of obsession with the tracking of so called ‘bitcoin whale’ wallet movements. Who are these people tracking these Bitcoin transactions and putting out these constant news tidbits on every whale wallet movement I wonder. Surely, these can’t be Bitcoin maxis that believe so much in adopting the Bitcoin ethos of ‘Low Time Preference’ or have behaviors in the Bitcoin space evolved to the level that it is now difficult to differentiate between ‘Bitcoiners’ and ‘$hitcoiners’? I really wonder….
Good question. Maybe they are first n foremost influencers. N they have to provide such prolific updates to maintain their presence
True. Influencer behavior is definitely well represented in that mix.
Whales move the market.
True. But that begs the question: Should Bitcoiners be fixated on daily market movements?
To each their own.