My friend, @winstonwuyh, asked me for food recommendations in Kumamoto City. I’m happy to oblige and share my favorite restaurant, which I’ve been loyal to for ten years. During my annual visit to Kumamoto City, I never fail to indulge in its finger-lickingly good dishes.
Ironically, it isn’t Japanese but Sri Lankan. However, I didn’t choose it for its unconventional nature. Japanese people love their curry, and the chefs have cleverly adapted their curry noodles to match the Japanese palate. I usually order an “普通” (ordinary) plate of their chicken curry noodles because I’ve tried their spicy version before and struggled with the burning sensation. The noodles lie beautifully in the center of the dish amidst a moat of curry, beckoning you to tuck into them. This should appeal to your sense of balance and aesthetics. Taste-wise, the succulent curry blends well with the bite-sized chicken and crunchy potatoes - you’ll find yourself savoring every last drop. In fact, the last time I was there, I ordered the noodles and rice set so that I could mix the curry with rice and eat it with relish. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.
#KumamotoCuisine #FoodieAdventures #SriLankanFlavors #FavoriteEats #CulinaryJourney #GastronomicDelight #熊本グルメ #くまもとおいしいもん