I got this from a book called The Hard-Boiled Egg Index: Surviving Zimbabwe’s Hyperinflation, by Kudzai Joseph Gumunyu. Apparently 3 hard boiled eggs in USD was used as an index.
Here's a quote:
The inflation rate was eventually incomprehensible, and the government Statistical Office stopped publishing the inflation rate. Some creative minds devised a method to track inflation and the exchange rate and termed this innovation the “Hard-Boiled Egg Index.”
It sounds extreme, but we had to calculate the exchange rate and estimate inflation, based on how much ZWD one needed to buy a hard-boiled egg over time. It was generally accepted that the purchase parity of three hard-boiled eggs in most parts of Africa was one dollar US, and therefore this became a reference point. Tracking how much the price in ZWD of three hard-boiled eggs over time would give a fair estimate of the movement in exchange rate and inflation rate.