A nuclear tragedy could be “dangerously close,” according to the UN’s top nuclear watchdog. “Let me put it plainly–two years of war are weighing heavily on nuclear safety at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant,” said Rafael Mariana Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). “…Reckless attacks must cease immediately.”
This is interesting. The world talks a lot about nukes as a destroyer. But we forget these nuclear pits which are now almost everywhere.
If even by accident this goes nuclear, won't the whole humanity have to pay the price for the greed of a few people?
I don't see Ukraine getting forever support from US and allies. It'll be very soon when Zelensky would be alone.
If even by accident this goes nuclear, won't the whole humanity have to pay the price for the greed of a few people?
It won’t be the price for the greed of a fee people in this case. The nuclear plants are in general very safe these days, I would say. It will be the price for the stupidity of one nation having an idiotic and insane dictator in power who ordered to keep ammunition in the plants.
The nuclear plants are in general very safe these days, I would say. They are not safe in themselves, let alone and a straight or accidental attack on them. The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant requires a lot of external power to cool the fuel in its reactors and avoid a potentially catastrophic meltdown.
I think you need to read this
If the things are done right, the nuclear plants are safe, I would stand by that. Soldiers in the plant is not doing things right. I am of course aware and scared of the situation in the Zaporizhzhia plant.
I guess I don’t understand your question about the greed of someone.
Alright, stand with what you think is ok!
I guess I don’t understand your question about the greed of someone.
Greed of those people who want it go on and on! The countries and the people who seek Money profit from wars.
Austrians are, for example, strongly against any nuclear power plants. I guess, thanks to the Green Party. They don’t have any. They even sued neighboring countries for building plants close to their border.
The war between these 2 countries has dragged on for too long... they are countries we could call with negative aptitudes towards consensus or dialogue... and they continue their war until the end! In the middle, the nuclear plant is an imminent and latent danger for all of humanity... I hope something happens and there can be an agreement in some way between the two... or at least they calm down their attacks... because if not the consequences are going to be disastrous!!!