The standstill of the engine of the European economy after the GFC, Germany, is still one of the most interesting and meaningful graphs in contemporary economic history. This is truly a remarkable achievement given the technological progress of the last two decades, an ideologically driven policy that has gotten completely out of hand.
And the persistent refusal of German politicians to initiate course corrections to eternal interventionism and the nonsensical green panic agenda is evidence of the decoupling of the political bubble from economic reality. This reality will strike when Germany can no longer meet its gigantic payment obligations from a social system and its pension system except with the money printer, by having the ECB print what it needs to fill the gaps that are opening up. This makes Germany even more politically dependent on the Brussels technocrats and it will continue on the path it has taken.
If you still can't believe what's happening here, you should take the geopolitical catchphrase of the British to heart: keep the Germans down and the Russians out of Europe. Perhaps that explains some of what is happening here.