You are very consistent! What drives you to make all these posters?
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I am an unemployable TBI 🧠 survivor.
For those unaware what that means, it means that I am legally Disabled. It happened in a car accident in 2016. I was in a coma for a month, and in the hospital for 2 months. Even though I still have all of my limbs attached, I have an unbendable knee due to a medical misdiagnosis by an orthopedic doctor from Ortho NY. I now have pain and difficulty when standing, walking, or sitting. After I was misdiagnosed and that led to Heterotopic Ossification, I basically said, "FML" in a big way and realized what a scam the entire fiat system is.
When I went into Ortho NY, I had a broken knee from the car accident 2 months prior. The doctor was looking at charts and said, "I have good news for you. You never broke your knee. You can remove that stabilizer when you get home, begin using that leg again, and start physical therapy so you can get right back to work". He wrote me a prescription for physical therapy and ended the visit.
There was an Ortho NY physical therapy office in the same building as the doctor's office. I went there with the prescription in hand and asked to be scheduled to begin the PT.
The intake personnel said, "We have a problem here. Is your name John Cooper, or Glen Cooper?".
I said, "It's Glen Cooper, it says so right there on my insurance card and ID". They responded, "Well the prescription says John Cooper". I replied, "Oh, please just change it. I just saw the doctor a few minutes ago down the hall". This was when I had great health insurance from my full-time job of 14+ years as an Internet Protocol Engineer at TNS. I chose Ortho NY because they were in my health insurance plan's network.
The PT staff changed the prescription. I watched them change the handwritten prescription to use my name instead of John Cooper.
When I got back home to where I was living at that time (with my Mom, in her apartment, since I lost my own place in VA when I was in a coma), I did as the doc suggested; I removed the knee stabilizer and tried to put my body weight on that leg. The pain that I experienced at that moment was the most severe pain I have ever experienced in my entire life, x10. Words cannot describe, but I'll try anyway; I once convinced my dentist to perform a root canal on me with no Novocaine. I told him I had been learning about non-pharmacological pain management and wanted to train my mind on how to deal with pain. He did it. I will never try that again, nor recommend that anyone else attempt it.
The pain that I experienced when trying to stand on a leg with a broken patella was 10x more severe than a root canal without Novocaine.
I knew at that moment something was seriously wrong, but I had just survived a near death experience in the car accident, so I figured I must just not be strong enough and need to do physical therapy to get stronger.
I started going to PT. Getting there was very difficult since I had no car, no friends in the area (this was in NY, and my life and friends were all in VA). I managed anyway; I bummed rides and took taxis (again, this was in NY, before Uber was even allowable in NY). The PT people were trying to be helpful, but at that point I was using a walker to stand up, and bending the knee was near impossible, no matter how hard they tried, and it was extremely painful).
So I did PT for 6+ months and hobbled around in a walker, trying not to trip people if I happened to sit down anywhere in public with a leg stuck straight out with an unbendable knee.
Went back to Ortho NY for a follow-up. That's when the doc told me the news that I would likely never be able to bend my knee ever again. That's when I asked him to amputate my leg at the knee. He said they couldn't do that.
Later that night I thought about it all and decided to call a Medical Malpractice lawyer. When I called, they were asking for specific information; dates, names, my current address, etc. The lawyer said that without any proof of them having written a prescription for me in someone else's name, I likely had no case. I neglected to take a picture of the prescription before handing it to the PT staff. That's when I got spooked and realized that in my current broken physical state, I would be completely unable to defend myself in any sort of physical attack. I began fearing that they would try to protect themselves from a lawsuit by sending a thug to shut me up. I ended the pursuit for a malpractice lawsuit and instead hired a disability lawyer. Disability approved.
So now I am surviving on Social Security Disability income, hobble around with a cane, wear a Medical Alert device since I have frequent falls, and never leave the house because I have no transportation (no car, no license, no insurance). Loser, you say? GFY.
I believe Bitcoin is the most important thing any of us have ever known. Bitcoin is a technological marvel of financial engineering. Being that I am disabled, both physically and mentally, my abilities are severely limited to spread the good word about bitcoin. I have never been the artistic type. I was always more of a engineering type. Until I found generative AI.
One of the things with a TBI is that it causes memory problems; I am very often unable to tell what day it is. Everyday when I wake up, I often have no recollection of the prior day(s). I figured out that I was able to fix that problem by looking at as part of my daily routine, and also spread the good news about bitcoin by combining the two by using generative AIs like
There's much more to my story, but I'll leave it at that for now. I get easily annoyed when I see people write long posts that look too long to read, so I don't want to do that to others reading this. Maybe I'll write a book someday. For now, I'll just continue building bitcoin artwork daily and hopefully earn a few sats by doing so.
Thank you to everyone who has tipped me sats on my posts. They really do mean a lot to me and I surely appreciate each and every one. I spend the sats earned since I believe that each time sats are spent on things like zaps on nostr or SN, it spreads joy in the circular bitcoin economy and increases bitcoin's use case.
Thanks to Darren Gleason for the following meme which is perfect for my case in more ways than one:
Thank you for sharing your story. I feel a lump in my throat.
I happen to like to gather trivia regarding which festivals/events fall on which days in which countries. When I post something like that here, I will be sure to tag you and let you know.
Take care.
Please always wear your seat belt. Mine undoubtedly saved my life.