150 sats \ 1 reply \ @leo OP 17 Aug
Not just posting this here to promote this (most of you might not be nearby), but also to show off what we in Vancouver consider the new hip thing to do for a Bitcoin community.
The Block Party doesn't require a ticket, you can just show up. You are encouraged to bring your friends, and they don't have to be interested in Bitcoin at all: It's just a cool all-day party, with food, music, a fair, some art and your friendly neighborhood Bitcoiners.
We want to bring Bitcoin out into the general community, away from the insiders at conferences and the die-hard enthusiasts at Bitdevs. We want to create the kind of event where Bitcoin is just the casual omnipresent fluid that keeps everything running.
You can buy some sats at the ATM (over Lightning), spend sats at the food truck, check out the miner museum, have a drink at the bar, play at the arcade machine, get some help setting up your wallet and learn about economics and tech.