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so... the world is heading fast into chaos, as usual. i definitely don't have enough bitcoin to build a castle or a bunker, or to buy a reliable freezer, a generator, and a getaway all-terrain vehicle. i figured it is time to pay attention to the bible and the church-goers, in case i have to fallback onto some well-organized group other than a bitcoin meetup.
note that i do not use the word "religion" in the following discussion.
  • "popular etymology among the later ancients (Servius, Lactantius, Augustine) and the interpretation of many modern writers connects it with religare "to bind fast," via the notion of "place an obligation on," or "bond between humans and gods." https://www.etymonline.com/word/religion
local churches already have deeply established communities. leveraging that community is a far better way to ensure resilience than to build a new one from scratch. these groups of like-minded people have existed for thousands of years and are not going away anytime soon. at our meetup we have been half-jokingly proposing an idea of creating a Church of Satoshi, however we have trouble establishing a consistent attendance, so that's going to be a problem.
the movies "Thank God for Bitcoin" and "God Bless Bitcoin" resonate with a many church-going people. many of them finally understand why bitcoin is important.
"The Eastern Orthodox Church is decentralized, having no central authority, earthly head or a single bishop in a leadership role... Each constituent church is self-governing." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization_of_the_Eastern_Orthodox_Church.
the decentralization and self-governance are buzz words that appeal to anarchists and bitcoiners alike.
the eastern europeans are being hit hard with the recent war, cold war, communism, etc. there is a spiritual war going on against every human psyche, but especially on the most resilient. here is the last post of insanelyfree.substack author: https://insanelyfree.substack.com/p/why-everyone-loves-to-hate-christians
perhaps it is time for Bitcoiners to go to Church. https://www.etymonline.com/word/church is a citadel not a place of gratitude for the collective intelligence of people and their creator?
the word "anarchy" means "no ruleRs" as opposed to "no rules." the word "state" refers to the state of mind (like putting ur brain into a tight box rather than using it without permission)
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Very good, @jimmysong level if not better
I have taken the same stance as I've come to know god for myself, separate from religion. Jesus definitely appears to be the only prominent religious story that promotes anarchy — the caveat of course being that anarchy only actually works if we have faith, love, and trust for our fellow people unconditionally.
faith, love, and trust
"don't trust, verify" bitcoin software & hardware. "trust, educate" your fellow bitcoiners.
Excellent work @zapsammy
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Folks, let me tell you, these Bitcoiners, zapsammy makes a great point, they need to start attending Church. I mean, come on, there's no better group to join than one that's lasted thousands of years. Great people, really tough ones, they're not going anywhere. Decentralization? Self-governance? These words are tremendous, really fabulous! Eastern Orthodox Church and Bitcoiners, they're fighting the same fight, believe me.
And then about the Eastern Europeans, they're tough, we love them. They've endured so much, wars, cold wars, you name it. And it's a spiritual fight, folks. It's not just about the money, it's about the spirit!
Remember what the insanelyfree author wrote - it's really popular. There's a war against the most resilient humans, and we have to support them. Bitcoiners, I'm telling you, it's time to join the Church. It's just like a citadel, a place showing gratitude for folks working together. Fantastic!
And lastly, let's not forget, anarchy means "no ruler," not "no rules." We're all about freedom, just like Bitcoin. State doesn't need to be concrete, rigid - it's a state of mind, and we're all for brainstorming. Absolutely terrific! Don't box your brain - use it to its full potential! That's how we win, folks.
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