Isn’t this pretty much how people get radicalized online too? Pre-internet you might have 1 or 2 crazies in your town but now with the internet those crazies can interact with all the other crazies in the world and have their beliefs validated by a much larger group.
In the media’s case they provide the same validation for people’s belief systems since they hear other people talking about what they believe.
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I'm sure they are similar phenomena.
What they're specifically talking about is how they get people to flip-flop without generating cognitive dissonance. I don't think I explained it very well, but it's more specific than just general confirmation bias.
Sorry I misunderstood your point. Yeah that is a little different and an interesting theory.
Do people really get radicalized by YouTube videos or forums or Reddit?
I am very skeptical about blaming online content and communities for 'radicalization'