Getting crispy fries is tough! Its ridiculous amount of steps....
  1. Cut potatoes.
  2. Blanch boil for 30 secs to wash off as much starch as possible and help break cells
  3. Let fries cool, layout in single layer
  4. Freeze
  5. Fry in 250F oil for 4-5 mins, remove from oil
  6. Fry again in 375F oil for 4-5 mins until crispy
This is essentially how McDonalds fries are made. They do up to step 5 in factory, then freeze after the first fry and ship to restaurant, so they only do last step onsite.
The goal with all of that is to burst the inner cell walls, so that after frying you get outer crispy and very soft inner.....otherwise just trying to fry raw potatoes results in dense "baked potato" like inner part of fry....