We store your sending wallets in your browser, which can get cleared by your browser and do not carry over from one device/browser to another.
Only the receiving wallets are stored on the server.
But both are gone now ( and just reset them ) , interesting, and I didn't do anything other than check what's new. 👀
100 sats \ 6 replies \ @k00b 16 Aug
Your browser clears its storage sometime unexpectedly. I'd guess that's what happened, but @ek might have a better explanation.
I didn't clear the browser history ( hmmm, but I did log out of SN and log back tho ) am I the only one who got this issue? 🥸
When you logout, we clear wallet storage from the browser in case you're using a shared browser.
clear wallet storage from the browser
is this a new thing? I logged out before but it didn't happen 👀
I think we released it a few weeks ago.
make sense then 👀
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 16 Aug
But both are gone now
are you saying you lost your receiving wallets, too?
There is indeed a bug, fixed in this PR