From Mark Moss

Video Description

$750 Billion Set to Surge into Markets: The Fed's Next Move Explained!
With the recent crash in markets and the coming election and potential wars… many investors are scared, expecting a big market crash to come any day.
And it’s no wonder, we have many economic indicators like the Yield Curve inversion and weakening employment data and slowing home sales, showing us recession is imminent, But… while those might be good indicators of where the economy is going, they are not good at showing where “ASSET prices are going.
And the best indicator for that is flashing a giant green arrow right now, at least if you know what your looking at, so…
In this video, I will break down the event coming this year in 2024 that will have the biggest impact on asset prices and no, it’s not the election, I will show you the prices, the levels, and what is expected to happen using data and facts
Once you see this data and understand its impact on asset prices and markets, you will have a totally different view than all the talking heads peddling their fear for you.
If a big crash will happen, will Buffets tbills make him in a stronger position?
That's the idea. He'll have good buying opportunities. His particular talent is identifying undervalued companies, so he'll probably pick some gems out of the scrap heap.
Right, but I dont know if it will work this time. If he would have invested a bit in bitcoin, he would have even more buying power now. But he said it was rat poison squared?
It'll "work" in the same way it has before. I doubt it will work compared to just buying as much bitcoin as is available.
I guess it would depend on how bad the economy tanks.