
In America on September the 17th 1787 twelve state delegates approved the constitution.
These states now became constitutors.
A constitutor in civil law is one who by simple agreement becomes responsible for the payment of another’s debt.
A constituent is one who promises to pay the debt of another, meaning if you register to vote, within the electoral system, you have agreed to become the debtor to the state.
Note: A citizen does not have access to, nor is protected by, any constitution or “bill of rights”.
Mostly all governments around the world have a constitution, not only the US. Did anyone ever read the one of the government are voluntarily being part of?
That of the Italian Republic. It has existed since ‘48, after the Second World War. I've not read it all, but it is essential to know at least its basic principles.
You should also check "Italy Republic of" corporation, registered on the SEC together with all its filings