I don't have a single favorite. I have sweet teeth. Cakes, cookies, ice cream, custards, bread pudding, etc.. It's pretty bad because so many things are pretty good.
I’m with you. My favorite dessert is usually whichever one is available.
I do have a preference for rich chocolatey desserts, but it’s not a deal breaker.
Bread pudding is so good. One of the steakhouses here always has bread pudding on the menu. It's like a bearclaw but gooier. So good.
For the record, I consider bread pudding mostly equivalent to french toast, which I also love. Waffles and pancakes are another group, which I also like, but not as much because it has no cream.
I hadn't thought of comparing french toast to bread pudding, but that's pretty spot on. Very similar flavor/texture profile.