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i'm sorry but i disagree
they are winning big time, mostly because humanity is sleeping
they are succeeding in their plan
most of humanity is sleeping, true!
if you feel are winning over you, that's another thing. try save the savable!
If you believe that humans are in charge then you will be unhappy. Humans are not in charge. These humans (Global Cabal) are performing sacrifices and their demons are rewarding them. Meanwhile Joe Public is worshipping and sacrificing to celebrities, influencers, sports personalities and Hollywood. And thus the fantasy is deployed.
Those of us working for God know otherwise and we are based and we are talking to the top, Godhead.
The humans are not in charge. They, the global cabal are living in their black box and they are working very hard to embellish their prisons. They are merely serving in the capacity of bringing good men and women to the Supreme Godhead because intelligent men and women are the shallow energies presented.
If you are a person who thinks that morality is subjective and that might is right... You will be disappointed. Better to begin your spiritual practice today and stop feeding the ghosts, demons and lost souls.
Try the Maha Mantra for a start.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
These simple words are the names of the Supreme Godhead.
You can also just bend the knee and pray the way you understand best.
These atheistic facade of these rascals is just what they want you to believe but they, indeed do serve a master. She's Kali.
This is the Kali Yuga or Age Of Quarrel. No outside human endeavor will result in peace because the worship is strictly egotist human nonsense.