Our tax dollars at work.
There has been zero accountability from President Biden or Vice President Kalama Harris over these colossal failures. Even to the extent that Biden made the stunning claim during the presidential debate in June that he was "the only president this century" and "this decade" that did not have any troops "dying anywhere in the world."
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I have a hard time being too critical of how the withdrawal was handled, because no one else managed to get out of there at all.
We know the generals undermined Trumps efforts to deescalate, by keeping us in situations where withdrawals would be ugly. Someone needed to just rip the band-aid off.
Yeah, I have the same feeling. If ever there were an example of the deep state or the administrative state if deep state triggers your allergies to "Alex Jones" similarities.
Nice use of withdrawal
Biden made the stunning claim during the presidential debate in June that he was "the only president this century" and "this decade" that did not have any troops "dying anywhere in the world."
This just reminded me of a conversation with a friend that really can't stand Trump. I don't like Trump either and that goes back to before he was in politics(a story for another time). One thing he said was that Trump is a liar. I mean, of course he is. What are people thinking when they say things like this and then defend Biden or any other presidential candidate?
I pointed out multiple examples of Biden lying. I mean he has a long history of it, yet if you dislike one side you seem to be doomed to only see the flaws in that side.
What Trump does a lot of and I would say more than others is exaggerate. Yet when most politicians do this it isn't considered a lie.
Trump has broken people's brains. Not just the programmed democrats. Many independents I that I know as well. The commonality I have noticed is that these people tend to really believe in the system and he destroyed the idea of civility. These people tend to not see people like Obama or Biden as sinister men hiding behind civility. These people will act like they prefer someone like Bush even though he was responsible for far more death and destruction.
It is interesting to observe. It is also interesting to observe people that 10 years ago would have never supported someone like Trump.