Sorry bro, I'm still a beginner, I saw a lot of instructions there, are there any instructions like videos, I think I'm interested in the instructions you shared, thanks.
glad you made it and you did well in discovering this website. since i believe that so many have neglected the basic idea and key concept of Bitcoin, particularly lightning network; that is to have fun sharing knowledge and sincere thoughts about any topics and being served the latest sats and privacy news all of that and you will get rewarded of taking part in this journey. just chill and stack sats
Writing original content, zapping the great work that you like, contributing with your skills, or simply hanging out in the daily @saloon to share fun things or newly learned tips and tricks. ✌🏽
Wow! Thanks! Went back to sleep after my post and just woke up to see a ton of content on how to navigate SN! I appreciate you guys for the guides. I guess I have to get to work reading all of it asap. Did I hear someone say Proof of Work? Lol
Here is the simple hack of SNing: