I see the contest between China and the West for domination and control of global resources and protocols increasing in tempo over the next decade- not sure which way things will go but its happening soon with Taiwan being Chinas symbolic objective both symbolizing Chinese reunification and the global power to achieve that. China will want to be in a position where such a takeover will not be contested therefore the current testing of Western resistance in Ukraine and the Middle East. https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/russia-and-china-unveil-a-pact-against-america-and-the-west Yes, agree, great to hold some Bitcoin as a neutral and censorship resistant store of value in such times- and a positive action for neutrality, freedom and non violent revolution.
You're literally linking deep state media articles about geopolitics, it's fake.. there's no east west power struggle... There are globalists and nationalists
Globalists want you thinking in fiat terms
correct analysis: citizen of the world vs citizen of a nation
'there's no east west power struggle' Tell that to people in the Ukraine or Gaza. What actual factual content of the article to you dispute ? Do you deny that such a pact was signed between China and Russia days before Russian invasion of Ukraine?
Both have been bloodlands for centuries if not thousands of years, doesn't imply a currency war between two powers that couldn't be more remote. Is it used as proxy? Sure but between globalists and the military industrial complex but not the US or Chinese nationalists.
Who are the globalists and who are the military industrial complex according to your rendition?
The international banking cartel that controls the world through a fiat standard, same people that put out the media you read, of which the MiC is a laundering/enforcement arm