With your improvements on the wallet I was thinking... wouldn't it be nice if SN could work like Albi? From my ignorance it seems you're 90% already done towards being a Nostr logger, full with wallet and all.
141 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 14 Aug
Do you mean like Alby Hub that supports different backends? Maybe we thought about the same thing already:
It would be cool if you could use the wallets you attached to SN as a payment method outside of SN. Just like receiving to your SN lightning address can forward the payment to one of your attached wallets (so basically like a p2p zap but from outside SN) (and will do so soon), if you want to pay a coffee with SN, SN could figure out how to pay the invoice using one of your attached wallets.
However, since payments are triggered in the client, you would need to have SN open for this to work. So that's where it becomes less cool. But I guess that's okay since it could work by simply pasting the invoice into SN so you'd need to have SN open anyway.
If you use SN as a PWA, it'd work pretty well like that. We can use attached sending wallets to allow you to pay for stuff. Kind of like Zeus without the mobile node.
Adding to all of what @ek and you said, I was also thinking about Albi in the sense that it's a fully integrated onboarding platform to Nostr. I'm not using Albi, but when I first tried to get into Nostr it was a nice option because it gave me everything: the wallet, the Nostr keys, and the Nostr logging functionality. In that sense SN would work as a nice port from which one could start to navigate the Nostr sea. It seems to me you've all for SN to work like that. I actually saw and started using SN because I liked that the community seemed like a nice way to prep and warm up to jump into Nostr, so even the community itself aligns with that objective.
Yeah, I guess when we've migrated to fee credits, withdrawal will no longer make sense. It could simply become "pay with attached wallets".
78 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 14 Aug
I think it'd just be "pay" or "send." There's no need to call them "attached" because all wallets will be "attached."
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 14 Aug
Yes, I almost edited my comment to mention this but then I got lazy
It will to some extent for receiving sats if you have a receiving wallet attached, ie your SN lightning address will go directly to your attached wallet. For sending though, we never want to store permissions or anything that would allow us to spend your money on the server.
I really like this focus of yours
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 14 Aug
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