pull down to refresh

I figured it out! to make it less usable by others, I'm going to leave out some stuff...
    img = Image.open(image_path).convert('RGB')  #convert image to RGB
    #decode the QR
    decoded_objects = decode(img)
    #filter decoded objects to find the one that starts with 'cashu'
    for obj in decoded_objects:
        qr_data = obj.data.decode('utf-8')
        if qr_data.startswith('cashu'):
            return qr_data
    return None

QR Code Data: cashuAeyJ0b2tlbiI6W3sibWludCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vbWludC5oNHNoLm9yZyIsInByb29mcyI6W3siaWQiOiIwMDNmOGQxYjlhMjM5YjE5IiwiYW1vdW50IjoxMDI0LCJzZWNyZXQiOiJMaUgyMENwZFQzZVVhUXh1aXNvYmlEbE1ReUg1VlQxWnBQcnE4YytRZVIwPSIsIkMiOiIwMmRiOWE0MWEwM2EwYTZhOGM5ZGM2MzUwYjFlMWZhYTljYjNiMGE0MTk3ZDhkZjE4MWIwZjE5OTc2YWVlMjNjZjkifV19XX0```

next animated qr? 🤭
Wow, you are good mate. 🥲
Gonna have to use some three letter agency tool in my next eCash drop.
Thanks man, but I have a leg up. I've been working in software for well over a decade.
You can do what @DarthCoin did and encrypt it into an image or write a poem. Legit could not figure it out to save my life.
What @DarthCoin Did, a new podcast 🤣🤣🤣