I think they simply need to be metabolized like any other fat, and that is part of what makes it so difficult trying to lose weight because your body is working through that poison from the before times
If you have been eating clean for years, fasting makes you feels like shit all of a sudden because you start burning that crap off and it inflames joints/skin etc
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Oh wow I never thought about that
What u think was clean u mean lol that's so wild and makes sense on the fats and poisons
lol right, I got into primal/paleo years and years before the great PUFAwakening and didn't realize all the pork I was eating was also poison
17 sats \ 0 replies \ @Ge OP 14 Aug
Pork is a dirty meat for sure a pig will eat anything 😋 and yeah man I was getting big myself started eating more protein and single ingredient things like fruits carbs are fiat af dropped weight quick sugars fuck u have a good base so working out is chill don't have to go as hard as I was due to diet now so that's nice 😀