Bitcoin is up 200,000% in the past 10yrs. To hold it for that period, you had to:
  • Not sell a 10-bagger (usually a top career investment for people)
  • Not sell a 100-bagger (prob life changing)
  • Not fall for a scam
  • Not get hacked
  • Not have your coins in one of the many early "web wallet" services that ended catastrophically
  • Not have your coins in some legit biz/service that turned into a ponzi due to mismanagement
  • Not forget about your coins, forget your wallet pw, lose your keys
  • Not have your coins on one of the 50% of exchanges that ended catastrophically before 2015
  • Not trade-in your BTC gains from the 2011 bull run for gold in 2012 (worst trade in human history?)
  • Not listen to media
  • Not listen to academia
  • Not listen to politicians
  • Not listen to financial "experts"
  • Not listen to (probably) your friends & family
  • Not get depressed & sell during one of the 4 bears when BTC was down 80%+ for months and just sat there
  • Not need the money to cover life expense
(just a sample from the post)
Hasn’t been 10 yrs, but I fit most of these. Sometimes I wonder why I got it and many others I told about, at much lower prices, still don’t get it. Combination of naive, anti-authority, world traveler and geek, I suppose.
I'm so incredibly thankful for this recent's been a nice chance to atone for some "sins" of the past