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Less than a week after Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race, the State Department finally released records showing Hunter Biden sought U.S. government help to land a Burisma deal when his father was VP.
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Let's not go implying that that timing is suspicious. We don't want to look like crazy people.
Truth be told I am a crazed right wing conspiracy nut.
After a while you just stop caring. Its like most people are just walking around with their eyes closed and ears plugged.
You plagiarized my about me page
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.
Sometimes we go too soft at these politicians' kiddos! This is just one case where he's caught. Can we figure out how many times he would have earned a favour from various departments secretively?
What a shame, always when they no longer have state protection.
Timing of this is a complete coincidence. Haha.
They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.
Now Joe has practical immunity due to mental incapacity.
Of course he would use his fathers influence to get a better deal. Doesnt everyone do this?
I like his wife. She's damn hot! 😉
Send him to the jail after Trump wins but let her be outside in the free!!
which one? he has been married at least twice
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