I'm listening right now. The story of him getting "swatted" is scary. You can protect your bitcoin, but it seems difficult to protect yourself.
Its always good to be extra careful. The government likes to take your rights away, and that can happen quickly. Especially during a so called "crisis".
It's a very good episode!
avoiding unknown links is a crucial part of protecting yourself from phishing attacks. Phishing attacks often use deceptive tactics to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information like login credentials or private keys
Wumbo rating: 21 out of 21
Great video and lot of great topics.
New or interesting things from the video:
J Lopp never fails to impress or entertain
Great talk.
Somehow I've known since I started stacking a decade ago that I should keep my damn mouth shut and never tie my coins to my identity online. Seems obvious to me but many people just haven't figured that out for themselves.