Lawful Rebellion

Referring to a “Lawful” Rebellion would suggest the right to this action, where the word “rebellion” is being used to oppose an unfounded authority or an illegitimate claim of dominance upon you, resulting in a direct threat being made against you without a prior agreement.
Meaning if a group, corporation or government where to make unfounded claims of authority, then you would have the “lawful” right to rebel and defend yourself.
This could work if the individual chose to use their own law, but many make the mistake of referencing the “law” from others, resulting in the loss of their sovereignty.
The most common mistake would be quoting the Magna Carta, which was a contract signed by a king and a group of barons.
The person trying to use this ancient contract today is not only operating in the wrong jurisdiction, but quoting a document that does not bear their signature.
Note: You cannot and do not get your rights from another’s contract, furthermore there is no document that can ever save you from tyranny.
there is no document that can ever save you from tyranny.
So true