The point of raising the issue is to hopefully enable discussion and debate and build an informed community. Knowledge is power. Freedom of speech is fundamental to healthy free markets. An informed community would IMO be less inclined to buy ETFs. However far from everyone on Reddit agreed, in fact most there spoke in favour the ETFs and strongly resisted my efforts to raise these issues, with censorship being used to silence the topic on several occasions, and vigorous trolling the rest of the time! I suggest it would be naive to think fiat money does not fund social media operatives to observe and influence social media narratives...control of the narrative is effectively control of the market...and imo that malign influence is what is now increasingly evident on r/ is strongly implied wherever respondents seek to avoid the facts and issues and either distract or shoot the messenger.
What do you propose we do about ETFs?
Discuss how they demonstrably undermine the p2p decentralised MoE fundamental basis, ethos and value of the protocol and therefore encourage people to self custody and not buy into ETFs?