Wasn't part of the silk road thing back in the day- hardly even knew about it then, and only heard about BTC in 2017! But recently read a book about Ross and I was struck by the similarities between how he was described and how SBF was described in Michaels Lewis' book 'Going Infinite'. They are both portrays are clever if not genius level in terms of tech and ideology and both wanting to make a real difference to the world...but perhaps both being somewhat naive about how the world and existing power structures operate. If Lewis' book is even close to accurate SBF has been truly hung out to dry in classic scapegoat fashion and certainly Ross has also been made an example of by a legal/political system that appears to be in so many ways compromised and dysfunctional. It is depressing to read how idealistic and brilliant young people are chewed up and spat out by the system, especially when the system needs change and needs people with ideals and a desire to make a future better.