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Toxic people will always be snarky and sarcastic when you're winning at life. That's how you know that they're toxic.
The envy that they feel is channelled into cutting you down. This is particularly vicious with people with an entitlement mindset. They hate feeling inferior and they feel a deep need to cut you down to size when they perceive you're getting "too big for your britches."
Honestly, this is loser behavior and should be recognized as such. Engaging in debate and going back and forth on a real substantive argument is one thing. Snark and sarcasm is almost always toxic envy. Sarcasm is not argument. Snark is not reason. Sarcasm and snark are emotional weapons to sideswipe logic and reason. Toxic people do this to make you submit to their frame, to get you to emotionally abandon your position rather than rationally be argued out of it.
Sadly, this is how most of the world works. They are not convinced by argument, but by tribalism and emotion. In a fiat world, such tactics are extremely effective. It's called peer pressure and it robs us of our individuality. Becoming immune to such peer pressure is exactly what thinking for yourself means. Hence, cutting toxic people out of your life is not just healthy, but necessary if you want to grow.
What's nice about the Bitcoin community is that there is a deep respect for real argument, particularly from first principles. That's good because the fiat system lends itself to centralized groupthink. And centralized groupthink will have its share of bullying, toxic Karens.
Thankfully, we can cut the toxic people out of our lives under a Bitcoin standard and leave them powerless to influence us, but to do that we need to not just get on a Bitcoin standard, but also change our mentality to be self sovereign.
this territory is moderated
I think about this one every now and then. There are toxic people in fiat and bitcoin. Bitcoin hasn't changed that, if anything it amplifies it. Being toxic is more about you're mental state than it is about your belief system. I can believe in bitcoin and spend hours on SN ruining people's day. I can believe in fiat and be compassionate to everyone I talk to. I think bitcoin allows us to be more anchored in ourselves. To see more possibilities in the world, and within ourselves. But the work is still on us. Learning to be accountable + compassionate to ourselves and other people is something that comes with time and healing, not a monetary system. The people here that respect each other are most likely the type of people that do that to everyone they meet because that's who they are. The ones that don't, won't no matter what.
I grew up around a lot of ball busters, it's part of my community. It's how you know someone likes you. it's sounds abusive but I can assure you it's therapeutic to be able to say some shit to your friend without them acting like you killed something they loved. Or have someone say something that makes you realize you're bugging out about nothing. I wouldn't go around doing that to everyone I met because they would not understand that relationship dynamic. It takes maturity, self awareness, and compassion to build people up.
Next time someone says something to tear you down, just say.. awww, that's cute. Because only you can give them that power over yourself, and until you do it is cute that they are trying. Also, I have never seen anyone have a respond to that lol.
Sovereign means you hold the power over yourself. Don't give it away or attach it to a belief system.
Very well said! How I deal with toxic people stay rooted yourself
appreciate that
awww, thats cute
I knew you would like that lol
never attribute trust to other people, we can't trust everyone, but on the contrary, not everyone trusts us, maybe it's better for us to learn from that, and start building trust only in people we can trust.
Most of those people are natalists
What about detox for toxic people? Certainly, there should be a pill! I came to know that the orange 💊 works better for the world!
Block & ignore & ghost
a personality transplant
Understandably, usually people who are a little successful will definitely experience challenges compared to people who don't like successful people, there is a friend of mine who has experienced this, my friend got bitcoin, my friend works from home, and now he has succeeded in getting income from bitcoin, but the neighbor is really cynical about why he can be successful without a job, the neighbor thinks it's strange, thinks my friend has magic, even though my friend works from bitcoin every day. Let's just say that a cynical person is a toxic person.
What about toxic maxis?
Can you elaborate?
I think I know who or what you mean but want to make sure
I also have idea😜
For some reason, I differentiate between snark and sarcasm. To me, snark always carries a negative connotation of being mean-spirited or condescending, whereas sarcasm can be more neutral or even good natured.
Completely there with you for the first four paragraphs.
I'm not sure I'm quite in agreement that the Bitcoin community always has respect for real argument and doesn't have toxicity; I think there's a tendency in any community (especially ones united mainly around a single topic or a group of them) that they're not toxic and avoid groupthink, but you can only really test that when confronted with opposing ideas (and the people behind them). I've seen plenty of really good reactions when challenged, but I've absolutely seen the exact same kind of toxicity as well. In the end, bitcoiners are still people, and we've got a variety of them in bitlandia.
Nice drop @jimmysong yes I got away from arguments and now it's more of a I'll just show u over time...since sadly we are a believe it when I see it species. Loved your talk in Nashville ⚡️
Nah it’s lots of toxic people in this space. Bitcoin isn’t a panacea that fixes the human condition. People are super snarky and sarcastic when it comes to privacy, self custody, and shitcoins. For better or for worse these behaviors are very prevalent in the bitcoin space.
It is a narcissism era. One in six people is said to be a narcissist. I watch these YouTube channels to learn more about narcissism: Dr. Ramani Jerry Wise Prof. Sam Vaknin
There are always those types of people 👥 , we as conscious beings must always know what type of people we relate to and what type of things they transmit to us.
Any reason you're thinking about this today Jimmy?
The amount of envy this man has for Kamala Harris is off the charts by Jimmy Song's criteria. The sarcasm and snark are high!

I think Jimmy's criteria of toxicity might be (is) lacking, and something tells me envy is not what Tim is feeling here. His sarcasm is not envy or toxicity, but rather a point he wishes to make in a way that.... definitely makes his point, and quickly.
Side note; some of the most toxic narcissistic horrible people I've met have been charming and charismatic and fool everyone. They seem very very nice. And some of them have been in bitcoin. I'm not alone in seeing them in bitcoin, I was warned of it by an OG before I ever went to a single meetup. It's very dangerous to have such incorrect criteria and it's dangerous to think you won't find them in Bitcoin. You will; Bitcoin is like churches; it brings in the good people, and it brings in the psychopaths there to prey on the good people.
I cannot agree that being on a bitcoin standard will protect one from these very human traits. Rather, the first step to protection is being able to recognize it with accuracy. Which is not taught by this post.
Bitcoin was never intended to change human nature. Rather, Bitcoin depends on human nature, and harnesses it.
Watch out for the psychopaths and the narcissists. They aren't so easy to spot as Jimmy suggests. If only.
I'm in a BTC stock trading community and there are so many people like this it's crazy
Nice piece. Thank you.
Generally agree that I don't meet toxic people in the space. Perhaps a little ego occassionally but i think ego differs in that it is not dealing with an inferority complex.
Even with bitcoin, you still encounter this. Just keep your wits and everything will be alright.
If the USA loses its global monetary and resource hegemony is it not probable that China fills that role or at least in many ways displaces the US as global dominator or protocols, institutions, trade and banking? https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/russia-and-china-unveil-a-pact-against-america-and-the-west China is already enabling Russia and Iran to not only continue as viable economies but to also attack the west via Israel and Ukraine...and this is possible because China can provision international trade and payments outside of and in defiance of the US controlled SWIFT network. Raising this because while you celebrate Bitcoiners ability to engage in sound reasoned debate, some major relevant issues seem to remain ignored or denied. Sometimes it feels like the Bitcoin community only wants to hear the good news and not deal with real and potential challenges.
You're posting this protectionist stuff in every other thread and not engaging with responses.
It looks spammy, downzap?
why am I seeing new yorker links?
Do you have a problem with The New Yorker as a source? Or would you like to question the facts and issues raised in the article?
New Yorker is not a reliable source
Your source is also from 2022
The topic of this post is Toxic People
'Your source is also from 2022'
Yes- The source was published days before the invasion of Ukraine.
'The topic of this post is Toxic People'
Yes and in my initial comment I explained why I raise this issue-
Raising this because while you celebrate Bitcoiners ability to engage in sound reasoned debate, some major relevant issues seem to remain ignored or denied. Sometimes it feels like the Bitcoin community only wants to hear the good news and not deal with real and potential challenges.
What is a 'reliable' source in your opinion? What content in the article I linked do you think is unreliable? My impression is that most of the MSM and social media have NOT covered the treaty signing between China and Russia that came days before the invasion of Ukraine- yet this seems to me to be a very relevant and important piece of reporting and still highly relevant to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. How does reporting on this very significant event when most(all?) other 'news' outlets remained silent make The New Yorker 'unreliable'?
Protectionist stuff? Not engaging with responses?
  • that's simply not true.
You have made two false assertions while not responding to any of the facts and issues raised.
How is this article related to toxic people. If there is a relationship, I might read it?
If you read my comment you will see that I am giving the article and related issue as an example of an issue that the Bitcoin community in my experience is very reluctant to engage upon in an open minded fair and fact based contest of ideas. I was making this point in turn in retort to the OPs assertion that in 'the Bitcoin community is that there is a deep respect for real argument, particularly from first principles.'
While I would agree Bitcoiners are probably overall more open minded and prepared to question established power structures and norms I would not agree this is universal and especially where any issue that is difficult and challenging to Bitcoin is raised...such as the example I gave.
Summary- even among Bitcoiners toxicity can emerge when challenging ideas are raised.
I see what the connection is. I did read you comment, it just didn't seem clear that there was a link. After re-reading, I get it.
I get it. But I don't know if I necessarily agree that people would ignore this side of a debate or argument. I read tonnes of stuff on here that cites this exact idea or projection for the future. Many posts on economics and politics that highlight China's strength in many areas, and the EU or US lack of prowess in them.
Sorry, I didn't read any of your previous comments relating to it. FWIW, I wouldn't dismiss the point you are making about the shift in dominance of East-West.
As far as the point relating to Bitcoiners unable to engage in debate. Sure that is a fact that many of us still have out biases. We have different experiences, knowledge sets etc.
Fair enough. Sorry I skipped over the point you were making.
I responded to your comment in another thread and you didn't engage.
The point I made was that the USD hegemony was destroying the US by causing a trade deficit and digging it into a negative net international investment position (NIIP). It's not sustainable and the longer it goes on for, the harder it will fall when the fuel runs out.
Apologies for failure previously to reply. Yes and that trade deficit has been in large part fueling the serial Chinese surpluses which have in turn funded Chinas expansion. A key difference between the Chinese model and the US model is that in China the government (composed of more than 60% engineers) direct capital, while in the west capital directs our so called elected governments. We have crony capitalism operated by private banks who control fiat debt issuance of capital while the CCP directs their fiat capital issuance toward their project to relentlessly grow Chinese wealth and power. Ironic that an unelected CCP nevertheless knows that if they do not deliver ongoing results they will be removed (Mandate of Heaven) , while our 'democratic' governments are little more than fronts of varied hue behind which corporate sponsors direct the flow of capital and wealth. PS Lyn Alden talks about as you mention how the USD reserve fiat currency hegemony has become a toxic curse and undermined the incentives toward productivity and development and instead left a growing deficit and failing infrastructure and investment, growing debt and no savings, but that is as much about an empire in decline as fiat...while China has milked the global reserve dynamic of the US very successfully. China has managed the fiat system with conscious deliberation while the US has allowed fiat capital issuance to be dominated by private bankers who have misused it primarily to pump and dump non productive speculative assets rather than building long term productive assets and infrastructure.
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