We too were early indoctrinated into this "destabilization" theories, as an explanation for Argentina's pitfalls. The first clue is realizing that those "destabilization" schemes exclusively appear as an excuse dying socialists regimes instigate into its population. How does it come it never happens in democratic, capitalist countries, is a mystery.
We are fortunate enough to have people from those "destabilization" times still living, and by a fortunate alignment of planets so I happened to cross many in my path. None of those theories were true, not one, not once. The reason for my fortune in my early awakening was my decision to study Aeronautical Engineering, which as a remnant of the old regimes is tied exclusively to the Air Force, which thus was tied exclusively to politics. So I met the very people that lived in those times, and they are always roaring outspoken in their indignation at how obscene are the lies people were told, but that was pre-X era so their reach was always tight as if it was a secret. It also shocked me that the truth was calmly walking there in plain sight all the time yet invisible due to limited reach.