There's a positive sum way to give women attention, where you enjoy giving them your attention, they enjoy receiving it, and that creates a kind of 'crackling' and dynamic energy for to start a conversation and build a relationship from.
It's actually borderline supernatural the extent to which women will go off a man's vibe, I can't recommend cultivating it within yourself enough. Even in bitterness there's room to parse out the victimization from the powerful dark side women enjoy to (when calibrated to them).
There will be people like your sister who try to take advantage of the dynamic between men and women, but frankly it's on those guys for not actually paying attention to her and seeing what she's doing. Just like she'll be responsible for whatever life brings her way after 10 - 15 years of treating men that way. I wouldn't give either too much thought, there are plenty of women in the world who will act differently, and to think you wouldn't be able to find and attract them to is self-defeating.
You got this man! As men, we genuinely like giving women attention, and women genuinely like receiving it from us, it's a match made in goddamn heaven.
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Hm, could you expand on:
It's actually borderline supernatural the extent to which women will go off a man's vibe, I can't recommend cultivating it within yourself enough.
You're right, I'm in a bit of a bitter spot right now, it'll go away again, and then I'll pick up the ball again, too.