I forked ZapThreads to add votes, profile relays retrieval, moderation, and other stuff. It's (hopefully) faster than the original version.
Here are a few words on what I've learned from that and what I wish NIP-07 browser extensions could do.
Can you explain ZapThread please ? I know I used it on the NoGood website to send a comment but I can't grasp exactly what it is and what it can do etc...
Thanks !
to send a comment but I can't grasp exactly what it is and what it can do
Yeah, it's comment section that you can embed on any website with minimal effort. Something similar to Disqus/Utterances/etc. but uses Nostr as backend instead of centralized services owned by companies.
Typical use case is embedding it on a statically generated blog page (for instance Jekyll-based, like I do).
It's lightweight, fast, doesn't require any hosting to run (you can literally send an html file with the embedded comment section to your friend and they will be able to read and write comments using it), supports markdown.
My fork adds YouTube/Reddit-like vote buttons, moderation, various kinds of filtering possibilities (including spam filtering using spam.nostr.band), various customizations (like comments ranking algorithm) and more. Here's the list of main differences: https://github.com/codonaft/zapthreads-codonaft#main-changes
I see thanks. Would it work "easily" on a shopify website ?
Wow, I didn't know that Shopify allows running custom JavaScript. I didn't test it, but it's worth trying.
If you manage to find something interesting to do with shopify, don't hesitate to ping me. I'm soon launching a Bitcoin shop for the european market with all kind of Bitcoin goods to sell, it would be great to have a nostr comment section, like on the NoGood Website