pull down to refresh

Jack at The Survival Podcast has said numerous times he wants a Waze app that you can tip the person who updated the system. Example: He was going 90mph and a user posted there was a cop up ahead; he slowed down and if I could he would have send 10,000 sats to the guy if he could because he didn't get a ticket.
Low-stakes PVP multiplayer games. Something where you pay 1-5 sats and get to battle another player for their 1-5 sats. It can even be variable up to 1000, 5000 sats, etc.
Have not seen this in any of the sat-based games yet. The current ones have a 10000 sat minimum and I'm cheap. Also, none are real-time multiplayer yet, and also none of them have games I'd actually like to play.
Just keep it simple - chess, checkers, asteroid, pong, snake. Eventually, a first person shooter or MMO would be insane with some kind of sat-based economy.
  1. Simple PVP games which then I would lead up to tournament style gaming for a jackpot winner.
  2. Weather app
  3. Map app
  4. Music app (believe this is out)? Idk
  5. Grocery store apps
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