Skeptical as always when people talk about DAO's (especially since Amir is using threads like these to promote a project
Still despite my skepticism I am always interested in this realm of ideas. With money/communication that is sufficiently private, permissionless, and censorship resistant people can organize in new ways around capital.
In Bitcoin/Crypto DAO's have been used mostly as a buzzword, hype generator, empty promise, all to promote the usecases of gambling/speculation. These are obviously just examples of grifting, but what are some real usecases for DAO's? What kind of institutions could you build around private capital management and stake based voting? How could this be done on Bitcoin? Should it be done on Bitcoin or is there good reasons to have another blockchain (or some other crypto payment network) at the center of a DAO? These are questions that pop into my head every one in a while.
Two projects in Bitcoin that do come to mind for me when thinking about DAO's
What do you think about DAO's, and/or DAO's on Bitcoin?