I don't understand this even after reading the article. Anyone have a good grasp of Fabric and Portal and explain it to me like I'm five?
DEFI built on top of shitty centralized blockchains is POS (I mean piece of shit, not prove of stake -although it's actually the same... but I digress...).
DEFI needs to be built on top of the one decentralized blockchain, i.e. Bitcoin, which is what Fabric and Portal are building.
I get it's built on Bitcoin, but how? Trying to avoid reading the whitepaper 😅
Fabric is a second layer protocol (like Lightning Network), not a side chain (like RSK or Liquid) which allows for smart contracts. It's basic token is BTC (like LN), not a BTC pegged token.
Portal is building DeFi services on top of it, using its smart contracts, in a similar fashion RGB is building on top of LN.