How did Bitcoin change the way you feel about going to work tomorrow or next day?
More work, more Bitcoin.
Good timing. Literally gonna drop 2 envelopes to HR this week.
One is a (hefty) list of demands to keep me around.
Other is resignation.
To answer the question: somewhat excited.
Most of them are not happy to go to work and Bitcoin will not affect their happiness and anyone who says it is is lying!
I personally work on my own since I emigrated from my country Venezuela to Peru and I put my best effort into my work every day.Knowing Bitcoin has changed my thinking and the way I see my work in every way.
12 sats \ 0 replies \ @go 11 Aug
Six days you shall work. Let's GO!
i wud be delighted to not come home for a whole week, because i hate commuting, and i don't like to hurry with the task completions.
I think it is important to like the work that you do. If you are unhappy, you need to do a bit of soul searching and find a new job.