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I am sure you will find sufficient info online to start, the problem you have in the era of abundant information is that it is too much of it and therefore much of it becomes noise and confusion, you will need focus and discipline and purpose, here below a little help on few option to learn depending on what you are focusing on, Bitcoin and Blockchain development will be quite rewarding, I truly hope is for you, wishing you a successful career!
Jimmy Song have few books focused on the subject that are known by the community, he offers courses as well.
Best wishes,
Thank you so much!
As suggested in the image, can any of the branches lead to a career in Bitcoin and Blockchain. Or, are these just fundamentals that I need to learn?
Just remembered, I sent this to many devs in the past starting the Bitcoin development path, it is old, but in Bitcoin, things have not changed that much, therefore you will find most is still quite useful: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPQwGV1aLnTuhXPEs4O2XUao7aal33I6g
I would suggest (with a very strong bias :) ), CyberSec Expert and Data Analyst, then, depending on what apps you want to build for the Bitcoin Ecosystem, web or app developer.
By experience I will suggest you combine theory with a real project, academic theory is fine and a long path, but war trenches building a project (a fork one from one of your favorites in Github or GitLab) will quantum leap forward your learning progress