A Dangerous Assignment: Uncovering Corruption in Maduro's Venezuela (trailer) | FRONTLINE
"Venezuelan investigative journalism outlet Armando.info, in conjunction with the American documentary program Frontline, will premiere on May 14 the documentary “A Dangerous Pattern: Uncovering Corruption in Maduro’s Venezuela,” in which they discuss the Alex Saab case.
The journalistic investigation into Saab will have new revelations about the activities of the Colombian-born businessman, who was imprisoned in the United States for three years on money laundering charges, but was released in December 2023 under a humanitarian exchange between the two nations.
The documentary lasts 90 minutes and recounts everything that was the first investigations published by journalist Roberto Deniz and the Armando.info team about Alex Saab, the exile of the journalists, the arrest of the businessman in Cape Verde and his extradition to the United States."
Documentary (full video):
Personal opinion: It is a complete documentary, there is no waste of time, there are fragments in English and others subtitled in English. You cannot stop watching it, if you are busy you can let it play and do your chores while you listen to it.
Thanks @bief57! I'm watching it.
Great, did you manage to see it?