These are more and more common now
I guess they already knew that this group had cryptocurrencies, it may have been because of the powerful people in the country who ordered the attack.
We’ll this may pick up if that is the case
I want to say that since I have been in the world of Cryptoeconomics... I had not read or heard of a theft of Bitcoin of such magnitude... if we think about it, those who perpetrated the assault are people with very complete and agile knowledge in computing since it is only necessary one blink for them to steal your data... and from there they quickly empty your wallets! With this, we must once again emphasize the importance of encrypting our information in the best possible way, dividing our assets or capital into different bags with the idea that if for any reason your security is violated... they do not take everything... and you can ensure the rest..💪
Preach! Scary for sure. The worst I’ve heard too
Sounds like there's much more to this story also who travels with that much corn?
"Analysis of surveillance footage leads investigators to suspect the robbers are current or former police." This right here is disgusting. The police are taking advantage of their position to commit these types of crimes.
Yes very scary. Had a buddy have a cabin robbed by an officer and his wife sold the stolen goods on FB marketplace.
Being a police or any of the armed forces does not make you a good man/citizen for life. When you live in a system that is corrupt and unjust, expect that people will be incentivized to do bad/evil acts, one way or another. It's really unfortunate that such large amount of bitcoin was robbed.
A true bitcoiner should be able to put security first before even the his/her bitcoin. What is bitcoin without security? And security involves not putting large sums of bitcoin into one "basket."
The saying, "don't trust, verify", is actually awesome because even your own blood brother can snitch you when time is favorable. I suspect those guys were snitched.
According to Jameson Lopp the suspects or robbers are current and former police
Interestingly Costa Rica, not Nicaragua.
I know, right. I went to Costa Rica for my honeymoon
Give me some sat
deleted by author
Multiple great points there! Great reminders especially on the KYC risks!