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As they say, "it's better late than never", I'm about to come up with the second installment of my freaking idea for a Bitcoin Classroom here on SN. Those who missed the part I, can read it here — #595730.
Before moving on to today's agenda, I would like to thank everyone for giving this idea a grand reception by making it the top post of the day. I can't tell you how much I'm thrilled that this would get a place in the top posts for the day on July 3, 2025.
TBH, the post got a grand reception for sure, but the idea of hosting a Bitcoin classroom met with mix of postive and negative inputs. As, I mentioned in that post about being too adamant to realise this idea of SN classroom, I wasn't at all baffled by the criticism. Instead, I have absolute been pondering about this idea and been mixing all your thoughts with mine to come up with a better plan for a Bitcoin Classroom, here on SN. Eventually, I think, I've found a better plan with better objectives. Let's take look.

The Plan

In simple terms, I propose that we, stackers, should come with our own Bitcoin Course for Beginners.
  • A course that would be based on consensus of many people (Very similar to the The Secret) rather than depicting the thoughts of just one person as we get in many other courses available for beginners in Bitcoin.
  • To create this, I suggest we devise a full length course which will be divided in three parts—A beginner, An intermediate and An Advanced level.
  • To complete the course, we'll take it from part to part and topic to topic.
  • Once we're ready with first part, i.e. A Bitcoin Beginner's Course, we'll get it published in form of a handbook, paperback and ebook both.
  • This would practically be a textbook for a course. Upon completing the course (or reading and digesting the textbook), the reader may choose to take part in a test (we need to create it as well). And after the reader successfully clear the test, we'll provide him with a certificate (A letter of appreciation).

Why This?

I've been looking for some Bitcoin specific courses which may teach some of the basics in shortest and the simplest of ways with clarity. But whatever I found, all of them are very much contradictory with the views of Bitcoiners here. For example, most of the courses related to Bitcoin go on to use the the word Cryptocurrency in the very beginning, or they define Bitcoin as a form of digital money that we can buy from exchanges, and many other misinformation likewise.
The other thing (the most important one) why I want a Bitcoin course should come out from SN because of one peculiarity which isn't found anywhere else. And that is how at SN we can come up with the best possible of outcome for writings without making to do much efforts. The consensus mechanism here makes it possible. To clarify, let me tell you, how I envision 'The Bitcoin Course' to be created with this.
  • Let's say, we discuss or seek for the best definition of Bitcoin. We run a post an the top comment shall be the best definition of Bitcoin. To make this definition universal and unanimous, we may come up with a revision post where we also take inputs from other 2 or three top comments. Then, we can formulate a draft for what should be printed as the definition of Bitcoin in the handbook of Bitcoin Beginner Course.

The Incentives

I know, I'm talking about something that will require a lot of efforts and time from stackers. So, I wanna make it clear that all of the stackers who take part in creating this course will get rewarded for their efforts everytime this endeavour realises any monetary gains.
We can even create a fed where we can recieve payments for selling the course. So, the mechanism for profit sharing shouldn't be a great issue IMO.
To start with, I suggest that a 50% zap from every post related to Bitcoin Beginners' Course post should go to the top post and 50% should create a pool to manage expenses for publishing costs. Kindly suggest if you have a better approach to it.

Where to start from??

We definitely need to start from the scratch. Some of the things that we need to settle down with this post include-
  • The Syllabus for a Bitcoin Beginners' Course
  • The stackers who are willing to take part in this endeavour on a regular basis.
  • Any suggestions, any inputs for alterations, to finalise how to go ahead.
  • When to start the first post from? I'm thinking to give it go from Monday onwards.
So, you can say that basically, I'm proposing here to write a book (or set of books) collectively or cooperatively. SN has been such cognitively high that I don't think, I need to tell you how impactful this endeavour can prove to be. However, I'd love to listen from you guys about the impacts on Bitcoin education of such a collaborative effort.
I'm right now sitting on my reading desk looking in the east and thinking that if we can make this real, it would lead to a revolution in Bitcoin education.
Hoping for the best outcome in the discussion below!
SN is a fantastic resource for learning. I am not sure a course is necessary, but I am not opposed to additional resources. Especially as so-called certifications are popping up
Should it be like a moderated wiki?
I had the idea to create a tutorial via crowdsourcing info from the stackers awhile ago.
Anything I can do to help get your project going let me know.
Did you read https://planb.network ? Is structured like your proposal, open source and with a lot of tutors. I wrote some guides there.
I'm sure I'll take part in the discussions on a regular basis.
A quiz post would be interesting to see on SN. @k00b is it possible? If you are interested I could make a detailed proposal on github.
Go for it. It wouldn’t have high priority for awhile but I’d love to hear thoughts on how it should work
Sure is not a priority. On github is better to be explained and later somebody will take over. Will post it today.
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