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Do you forwarding to port 8333?
I still can’t figure out port forwarding
If you don’t have port 8333 open you can still download the blockchain and verify transactions to preserve privacy. If you don’t have 8333 open you will not help the network by sending blocks and transactions and other messages to others on the network. What router do you have? It’s kind of annoying to open ports if you have a cheap router a lot of the isp’s give out.
Apple Extreme
I can’t open the router configuration page
Do you know the ip address to get to the login screen? Probably something like
Assuming you are running Mac you can find it with this article: https://www.igeeksblog.com/how-to-find-router-ip-address-on-mac/
After typing that in your browser you should be able to set up a user name and password if you haven’t already.
I think it's but I will double check
I do, but let's wait for the experts. I just read stuff and do what it says. I can follow directions like the best of them.