I already knew that mayo was fantastic for improving grilling meat and making a grilled cheese sandwich, but who knew it was also vital to fusion?
I like doing butter, but using mayo does make it crispier. The only problem that I have found with it is that it can be a bit more salty.
True -- I actually like both ways, they're just slightly different flavor and texture profiles.
They both are good depending on the cheese and occasion.
Mayo on grilled cheese?! Wow
I am surprised by this information... and I am even more surprised to see how science and advances in studies now allow us to see and understand even more complex things... than the simple mayonnaise that is in my refrigerator... is now used for melting. .It's Incredible! I like reading in S.N because the information is very interesting 👍
You mayo ‘r may not like how the future is being shaped but can’t deny that it’s interesting.
Very cool
Sometimes biotechnologists do truly amazing things.
Seed oils 🤮